What you'll learn
1. Introduction to Flutter:
2. Dart Programming Language:
3. Flutter Basics:
4. Layout and Design:
5. State Management:
6. Navigation:
7. Handling User Input:
8. Networking and Data Retrieval:
9. Local Data Storage:
10. Working with Plugins:
11. Internationalization and Localization:
12. Animations and Gestures:
13. Testing and Debugging:
14. Deployment:
15. Advanced Topics:
16. Flutter Web and Desktop:
17. Best Practices and Performance Optimization:

Subject : 1. Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart [FD]
6. How to Get the Most Out of the Course
4. The Anatomy of a Flutter App
3. Why Flutter
2. What is Flutter
1. Download the Course Syllabus
Subject : 2. Setup and Installation [FD]
11. [Optional] Guided Tour of Android Studio for Flutter Development
10. [Optional] Configure Android Studio for Flutter Development
9. Mac Setup Step 5 - Test the iOS Simulator
8. Mac Setup Step 4 - Install Xcode and Command Line Tools
7. Mac Setup Step 3 - Install the Android Emulator
6. Mac Setup Step 2 - Install Android Studio
5. Mac Setup Step 1 - Install the Flutter SDK
4. Windows Setup Step 3 - Install the Android Emulator
3. Windows Setup Step 2 - Install Android Studio
. Windows Setup Step 1 - Install the Flutter SDK
1. Prerequisites for Flutter Development
Subject : 3. I Am Rich - How to Create Flutter Apps From Scratch [FD]
4. How to Add App Icons to the iOS and Android Apps
3. Working with Assets in Flutter & the Pubspec file
2. Scaffolding a Flutter App
1. Creating a New Flutter Project from Scratch
Subject : 4. Running Your App on a Physical Device [FD]
2. Deploying Flutter Apps to iPhonesiPads
1. Deploying Flutter Apps to an Android Phone
Subject : 5. I Am Poor - App Challenge [FD]
1. What are App Challenges
Subject : 6. MiCard - How to Build Beautiful UIs with Flutter Widgets
6. How to use Column & Row Widgets for Layout
5. How to Use Container Widgets
4. Hot Reload and Hot Restart - Flutter Power Tools
3. How to Use Container Widgets
2. Hot Reload and Hot Restart - Flutter Power Tools
1. MiCard - A Single Screen Personal Business Card App
Subject : 7. Dicee - Building Apps with State [FD]
13. Challenge 3 Solution
12. Challenge 2 Solution
11. Challenge 1 Solution
10. Randomising the Dicev
9. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets - What's the Difference
8. [Dart] Data Types
7. [Dart] Variables
6. Making the Dice Image Change Reactively
5. [Dart] Functions - Part 1
4. Adding Gesture Detection with Flutter Button Widges
3. How to Use Intention Actions
2. Using the Expanded Widget to Create Flexible Layouts
1. Dicee - A Stateful Dice App
Subject : 8. Boss Level Challenge 1 - Magic 8 Ball [FD]
1. Magic 8 Ball - A Decision Making App
Subject : 9. Xylophone - Using Flutter and Dart Packages to Speed Up Development
9. Refactoring Our App
8. [Dart] Functions Challenge
7. [Dart] Functions - Part 3
6. Updating the UI of Our App
5. [Dart] Functions - Part 2
4. How to Play Multiple Sounds
3. How to Play Sound Across Platforms
2. What are Flutter & Dart Packages
1. Xylophone - A Simple Musical Instrument App
Subject : 10. Quizzler -Modularising & Organising Flutter Code [FD]
12. Inheritance in Action
11. Encapsulation in Action
10. Abstraction in Action
9. [Dart] Classes and Objects
8. Creating a Question Class
6. [Dart] Conditionals – IFELSE
5. Checking User Answers
4. Displaying the Questions
3. [Dart] Lists
2. Building a Score Keeper
1. Quizzler - A TrueFalse Quiz App
Subject : 11. Boss Level Challenge 2 – Destini [FD]
1. Destini - A Choose Your Own Adventure Game
Subject : 12. BMI Calculator - Building Flutter UI for Intermediates [FD]
16. Adding the BMI Calculator Functionality
15. Designing the Result Page
14. [Dart] Maps
13. Multi-Screen Apps Using Routes and Navigation
12. Composition vs. Inheritance - Building Flutter Widgets From Scratch
11. Customising Widgets with Themes
10. The Flutter Slider Widget
9. [Dart] Functions as First Order Objects
8. [Dart] Ternary Operator
7. [Dart] Enums
6. The GestureDetector Widget
5. Creating Custom Flutter Widgets
4. [Dart] Final vs. Const
3. How to Refactor Flutter Widgets
2. How to Use Flutter Themes
1. BMI Calculator - A Beautiful Health App
Subject : 13. Clima - Powering Your Flutter App with Live Web Data [FD]
16. Passing Data Backwards Through the Navigation Stack
15. Creating and Styling a TextField Widget for Text Entry
14. Refactoring the Location Methods
13. Updating the Weather with the WeatherModel
12. Passing Data to a State Object
11. Showing a Spinner While the User Waits
10. Getting Actual Weather Data from the OpenWeatherMap API
9. JSON Parsing and Dynamic Types
8. Networking in Flutter Apps with the HTTP Package
7. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Explained
6. AsyncAwait Challenge
5. [Dart] Exception Handling & Null Aware Operators
4. Stateful Widget Lifecycle Methods
Async & Await
3. [Dart] Futures
2. Getting Location Data From Across Platforms
1. Clima - A Modern Weather App
Subject : 14. Boss Level Challenge 3 - Bitcoin Ticker [FD]
7. Introduction to Boss Level Challenge 3
6. Building Platform Specific UI (iOS & Android)
5. Introducing Cupertino Widgets
4. Building Widgets with Loops Solution
3. [Dart] Loops
2. The Material DropdownButton Widget
1. Bitcoin Ticker - A Simple Cryptocurrency Price Tracker
Subject : 15. Flash Chat - Flutter x Firebase Cloud Firestore
24. Cloud Firestore Authorisation and Security Rules
23. A Different UI for Different Senders
22. The Flutter ListView
21. Turning Streams into Widgets Using the StreamBuilder
20. [Dart] Streams
19. Listening for Data from Firebase using Streams
18. Saving Data into Cloud Firestore
17. Showing a Spinner while the User Waits
16. Authenticating Users with FirebaseAuth
15. Registering Users with Firebase using FirebaseAuth
14. Firebase Flutter Packages Setup (iOS & Android)
13. iOS Firebase Project Setup
12. Android Firebase Project Setup
10. Creating a New Firebase Project
9. Code Refactoring Challenge
8. Prepackaged Flutter Animations
7. [Dart] Mixins
6. Custom Flutter Animations with the Animation Controller
5. Flutter Hero Animations
4. Refactor Routes with the Static Const
3. [Dart] Static Modifier
2. Named Routes Challenge
1. Flash Chat - A Lightning Fast Messaging App